Clean Air
To give our children a bright future, we need to find real solutions to Utah’s air quality problem. Carol understands clean air is not just important for our health but better for our economy as well. She is committed to expanding mass transit options, strict enforcement of clean air standards, and promoting anti-idling education and policies.
Carol has served on the Transportation committee, co-sponsored the creation of the Air Quality Task Force, and is an active member of the bi-partisan Clean Air Caucus.
One of the first pieces of clean air legislation in Utah was Carol’s 2010 HJR 5 targeting unnecessary idling of motor vehicles. Since 2017, Carol has co-sponsored a number of clean air bills including, Air Quality Policy Advisory Board (HB 392), Resolution Supporting Rural Development of Wind, Solar, and Geothermal Energy (HCR 9), Resolution for Tier 3 Gasoline (HCR 13), and Electric Vehicle Charging Network (HB 259).
She knows we still have to do more: hold industry accountable, stop serial polluters, expand affordable mass transit, and encourage clean energy instead of increasing taxes on solar power.